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Nth Cycle

Autodesk Foundation: Our investment in Nth Cycle

A decarbonized energy and transportation system will not only look different than what we see today, it will be fundamentally built from…

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Schrödinger Provides Update on Progress Across the Business and Outlines 2023 Company Strategic Priorities

Schrödinger, Inc. (Nasdaq: SDGR), whose physics-based computational platform is transforming the way therapeutics and materials are…

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Vitriform3D Inc. creating product opportunities using recycled materials

The two Co-Founders of Vitriform3D Inc. met while they were working on their doctorates as part of the Bredesen Center…

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Megan O'Connor

How Could Women Founders And Investors Shape The Future Of The EV Industry?

I believe clean-tech companies will create more value and make a bigger positive impact on our planet and our economy than any other…

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Nth Cycle - DOE Award

Nth Cycle Awarded $2.15 Million U.S. Department of Energy Grant

Nth Cycle, an innovative metals processing and recycling technology company, has been awarded a $2.15 million grant from the U…

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